Camp Policies

Access & Functional Needs

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Accommodation Request

A camper identified by a physician or grown-up as having behavioral, medical, or physical care needs must complete and file an Accommodation Request. These plans must be updated annually to provide clear instructions for staff in managing any special care. If conditions require medication, please fill out the medication section of the Participant Information form upon registration. Please note this must be updated at least seven days prior to your child’s first day of camp.

Conditions requiring a plan include, but are not limited to, ADD/ADHD, Allergies, Anxiety, Autism Spectrum, Congenital Conditions, Eczema, Reflux, and Seizure Disorders.


Please refer to the Accommodation Request and Medication sections or contact the Camp Director if you have any additional questions or concerns. Please note that Rec Well Summer Camp is not a nut-free environment, and while staff try their best to contain the space, campers will eat in large groups so there is risk of potential exposure. There will be a nut-free table at lunch and snack as needed.


At Rec Well Summer Camp, we are committed to cultivating and upholding an inclusive environment in which we celebrate the differences of every member of our community. In doing so, we try our best to accommodate a variety of cases.

Once you share information with us, our promise is to only share it with staff who must know in order to ensure the safety of your camper. If you have special concerns about confidentiality, please let us know so we may best accommodate your needs. If your camper is worried about privacy, please reassure them that other campers will not know and only the adults who can help them will know.


At registration, a grown-up must complete the medication section of the Participant Information form. This portion of your child’s profile may be updated up to two weeks before the start of camp. This allows designated camp staff to dispense medication to a camper during camp hours.

On the first day, the medication must be turned into the Camp Director. We require all medication be dropped off in a non-expired, labeled prescription bottle with legible physician-ordered directions. The bottle must only contain the amount needed for the week.

During camp, medications (ie. EPI Pen, Inhalers, etc.) are transported site-to-site by staff.

At the end of each camp session, a camper’s Authorized Pick-Up Person must retrieve any medication from the Camp Director. Medications that are not picked up after 7 days will be disposed of.


We recommend that grown-ups apply sunscreen (SPF 50+) to campers before arriving at camp and pack additional supply (please label) for the camp day. However, staff will also travel site-to-site with spray (non-aerosol) sunscreen. Our staff will not aid in application, except with operating spray sunscreen. We also recommend that campers wear hats (please label) on hot, sunny days.

Translation Services

As a college campus, we have access to a variety of technology that can be used to accommodate campers with limited knowledge of the English language. We require written notice at the time of registration in order to supply these services.

Accreditation & Licensure

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ACA Accreditation

Rec Well Summer Camp became accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA) in 2022. Accreditation means that our summer camp voluntarily agreed to undergo a thorough peer review of over 300 standards – from safety procedures to staff training and qualifications. The American Camp Association works with experts from The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Red Cross, and other youth service agencies to assure that current practices at summer camps reflect the most up-to-date, research-based standards in camp operation. Camps and the ACA form a partnership that promotes summers of growth and fun in an environment committed to child safety.


Rec Well Summer Camp is pursuing licensure through the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families. A copy of DCF 252 and camp policies are available upon request.

Behavior Management

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Progressive Steps for Discipline

1. Counseling

  • When an incident occurs, staff should gather information as to why the behavior occurred and provide a description of the behavior change required.

2. Rest and Return: If behavior continues to be an issue, the camper will take up to a 3 minute rest before returning to activities.

3. Visit from Camp Supervisor

  • A Camp Supervisor will complete an Incident Report for the Youth Program Coordinator. If necessary, the Youth Program Coordinator will call a grown-up about the behavior.

4. Visit to Camp Coordinator’s Office

  • If a series of bad behavior continues, staff will escort the camper to the Youth Program Coordinator’s Office. If the Coordinator is absent, staff should take the camper to another professional staff member’s office.

5. Suspension

  • A camper who continually disregards instructions will be sent home and suspended for 1 day.

6. Termination

  • If a camper’s behavior continues to be an issue, the guardian will be informed that their child will be terminated from the program for the summer.

Camp Swimming

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Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs)

Non-swimmers can wear a Personal Floatation Device in the pool.

  • All PFDs must be US Coast Guard approved.
  • If you do not have your own PFD, there will be a limited supply available at camp.

Swim Tests

  • Each week of camp, campers will take a swim test to determine their swim level and if they will be required to use a personal flotation device.
  • Swim Test process: Swimmer must swim 25 yards unaided without stopping or touching the ground.


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Camp Readiness

  • Able to follow directions and rules at camp. We prioritize maintaining camper safety throughout the day, especially when traveling to different sites during field trips.
  • Does not need a mid-day, daily nap. We do not provide a structured nap time at camp.
  • Independently attends to personal needs, such as changing, toileting, and eating. Due to liability restrictions, staff will not aid in any personal care needs for any camper.
  • Can speak and understand functional English. For more information about our translation services, please visit the Access and Functional Needs section below or contact the Camp Director with any additional questions.

Meals and Snacks

  • Campers will have a morning snack, lunch, and an afternoon snack time each day. Rec Well Summer Camp does not provide food to campers. Grownups should pack a lunch and two snacks for their camper each day. A water bottle (labeled with the camper’s name) should also be sent with the camper each day.
  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture provides MyPlate guidance for food groups and quantities here.

What to Bring to Camp

  • Weather appropriate, comfortable clothes
  • Close-toed athletic shoes
  • Backpack to hold all labeled belongings
  • Lunch, Snacks, and a Water Bottle (refrigeration is not provided)

What to Leave at Home

  • Cellphones + other electronics
  • Meaningful toys
  • Personal sports equipment
  • Cash
  •  Drugs, alcohol, and weapons

Communicable Diseases & Illness

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Communicable Diseases

Campers are observed as they enter the program for signs of communicable diseases. Below, find a list of precautions staff must take for handling suspected presence of communicable diseases. Rec Well will follow the Wisconsin Department of Health and Communicable Disease Chart for appropriate management.

A camper with one of the following conditions will be immediately isolated from other campers, but not discharged without further observation or discussion with grown-up. If any additional symptoms appear, the camper will be discharged from the program by decision of the Camp Director and grown-up.

  • Unusual spots or rashes
  • Sore throat or difficulty swallowing
  • Elevated temperature
  • Vomiting
  • Evidence of lice, scabies or other parasitic infection

A camper with any of the following conditions will be immediately isolated and discharged to their grown-up or guardian. Please note that a camper must be symptom-free for at least 24hours before returning to camp.

  • Diarrhea (more than one abnormally loose stool within a 24-hour period)
  • Severe coughing, causing the child to become red in the face or to make a whooping sound
  • Difficult or rapid breathing
  • Yellowish skin or eyes
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Temperature of 100 degrees
  • Untreated, infected skin patches
  • Stiff neck


To ensure maximum fun and enjoyment for all campers, please be sure to monitor your child’s health before drop-off each day. If your child appears to be too sick to participate, please keep them home. You can find more specific guidelines regarding certain symptoms below in the Communicable Diseases section.


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Accidents & Injuries

As a reminder, staff are required to be American Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED certified for employment. Similarly, staff are also trained to respond to a variety of emergency situations. Regardless of severity, all accidents are recorded and filed. Copies are available upon request.

In the event of a minor accident, staff will provide basic care and complete an Accident Report. At end-of-day pickup, an Authorized Pick-Up Person will be informed verbally of any recorded accidents.

In the event of a medical emergency, emergency services and an Emergency Contact will be contacted. An Emergency Contact must arrive prior to emergency services if they wish to refuse ambulance transportation. If an Emergency Contact is not available, a staff member will accompany the child to the Emergency Room until an Emergency Contact assumes custodial care.

Care must be documented, regardless of mode of transportation. Failure to provide care is considered neglect, which staff must report to Child Protective Services.

Staff is legally prohibited from transporting campers in personal vehicles.

Concussion Awareness

A concussion is a brain injury caused by a bump or blow to the head. Sports and other physical activities that youth commonly participate in can result in falls, bumps and other accidents. Signs and symptoms of concussion can appear immediately or even weeks after an incident. While all staff are trained in concussion prevention tactics, signs, and symptoms, grown-ups must also be aware and informed about the seriousness of concussions. Staff will notify Emergency Contacts immediately of any potential concussions of their campers.

Further information is available on the CDC’s website.

Major Emergency Procedures

In the event of a major emergency, campers may be moved to a designated evacuation area or an alternate location. Please check your email for updates for any directions regarding pick-up information. Depending on the incident, campus may have specific instructions you will need to follow.

Campers will always continue to be supervised after an evacuation until an Authorized Pick-Up Person assumes custodial care. As a reminder, you provide a list of Authorized Pick-Up People at the time of registration. If you would like to add additional names, you may do so by emailing before the first day of camp. Upon check-in on the first day, staff will ask you to double check the list provided.

All persons attempting to pick-up a camper must present a valid government-issued ID to staff. If someone arrives that is not on the Authorized Pick-Up list for that child, we will continue to provide supervision until a grown-up on the list arrives.

To add additional Authorized Pick-Up People, please email

Who to Contact

Your camper’s safety is our main concern in ensuring they have an enjoyable summer camp experience. If you have any concerns about these policies, please do not hesitate to contact our Camp Director:
Abby Van Note
(608) 262 – 0297

If they are not immediately available, please:

  • Call On-Call Cell phone at (608) 225 – 4217
  • Email
  • Call the Bakke Recreation  &Wellbeing Center front desk at (608) 262 – 8244

Extended Care Policy

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Policy and Cost

Families who are unable to complete drop-off between the standard drop-off and pick-up times should purchase extended care. If you have already registered and would like to add extended care to your session, please email with the camper’s name and session(s).

We understand that life happens, and you may not always be within the drop-off and pick-up periods. If a camper is dropped off early/picked up late without purchasing extended care, we will follow the process below for each session: 

  • First early drop-off/late pick-up: No charge. A written notice will be emailed to the family. 
  • Second early drop-off/late pick-up: $40 extended care will be charged to the family for the session per camper.   

General Safety Policies

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  • Please contact the camp office at, by 9am each day your camper will be absent.
  • Staff will not contact grown-ups on days we have received advance notice of absence if a camper does not check in to camp
  • Please specify the cause of absence (i.e. vacation, illness, communicable disease, or injury)
  • Please be aware that we will not offer a fee adjustment based on absence

Drop Off

  • An Authorized Pick-Up Person must escort camper to the designated check-in area
  • Campers are marked in attendance upon arrival and sign in
  • Authorized Pick-Up people are responsible for the supervision of camper while present
  • Campers are required to wear a name tag while at camp
  • If a camper will be late, the grownup should contact the Camp Phone to provide an estimated time of arrival.
    • Camp staff will wait until 9:05am. After 9:05am, grownups will need to park and walk their camper into the building through the front entrance.

Pick Up

  • Campers are marked as dismissed upon pick-up
  • All persons attempting to pick-up a camper must be listed as an Authorized Pick-Up Person for each child they are attempting to retrieve. In addition to being listed, each individual must produce a valid government-issued ID to staff upon check-out.
  • If someone attempts to retrieve a child, but is not on an authorized list for that child, we will continue to provide supervision until an Authorized Pick-Up Person arrives to assume custodial care.
  • We are unable to accommodate any early pickups between 3:30 4pm.


  • All visitors must check in with the Member Services desk.
  • All visitors must be listed as an Authorized Pick-Up Person in order to contact a camper. As with all check-in and check-out procedures, this person must provide a valid, government-issued ID to ensure the program is only accessible to authorized persons.
  • Rec Well Summer Camp may not deny a parent access to their camper without proper documentation. Any adult listed as an Authorized Pick-Up Person will be able to check out a camper. If a child custody issue exists, it is the responsibility of the residential parent to provide official court documentation of any existing restrictions.


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  • All payments are due two weeks prior to the start of the camp session. Additional payments can be made on your Fusion account via credit card. Instructions on how to make additional payments can be found here. If you have concerns regarding camp payment, please contact
  • The most updated registration fees are available on our website.


  • Extended drop-off and extended pick-up are available during each session for an additional cost. The most updated add-on fees are available on our website.

Payment Methods

  • Extended drop-off and extended pick-up are available during each session for an additional cost. The most updated add-on fees are available on our website.

Third-Party Funding

  • Child care funding may be available from the city, county or any third-party funding source such as Child Care Tuition Assistance Program (for UW-Madison student Parents). If you have a third-party funding source, please reach out to Third-party funding will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
  • Parents are responsible for initiating and managing their funding source transactions. Parents are responsible for making payments in accordance with the payment schedule until they have received authorization. Once authorization is received from a funding source, our registration team will work with Parents to manage their account. It is the Parent’s responsibility to follow program billing and funding activity and make timely payments for any remaining balances. In order to register, the registration processing fee or deposit must be paid by the Parent.
  • Any additional fees incurred are not covered by scholarship or third-party funding.

Cancellations & Refunds

  • Cancellations must be made at least 2 weeks before the start of the camp session to receive a refund. The $50 camp session deposit is non-refundable. Cancellations made within 2 weeks of the camp session will forfeit all amounts paid. Cancellation requests should be sent to
  • No refunds will be provided for activity changes, inclement weather, absences, vacations, or illnesses.

Late Payments

  • Payments MUST be made before attending each session. If payment is not complete on the first day of a camper’s session, they will not be admitted into camp until payment is completed. Youth Programs staff will contact families regarding late payments.


  • If your camper is pulled off the waitlist, the $50 deposit is due at the time of registration. Full registration payment for each session is the same. If a camper is moved off the waitlist within 2 weeks of the camp session, full registration payment is due prior to the first day of the camp session.


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Rules & Safety

During camp, we will use Metro Transit Buses, private busing companies, and travel by foot to get to different locations. Staff will never transport campers in personal vehicles or in vehicles or parts of vehicles not designed for passengers.

Campers are expected to follow the camp rules at all times, including during transportation between camps and to field trips. There are some additional rules and guidelines that campers are expected to follow while riding in the vans or on the buses at camp for safety.

  • Campers must keep all body parts inside the vehicle
  • Campers must follow the directions given by the driver
  • No eating or drinking inside the vehicle
  • If available, campers must wear seat belts while inside the vehicle


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General Policy

Please note that camp is held in most weather conditions, including rain, lighting, and excessive heat. Each day, please take into account weather predictions to make appropriate clothing choices. Staff may adjust activities based on the recommendations of the National Weather Service.

We will not offer any credits or refunds if an activity must be changed and cannot be rescheduled.